Country Specific Website Traffic Targeting Information

Country Specific Website Traffic Targeting Information

So far you have learned about the many ways to get traffic to the website. We know that people from the US and European countries do more buy online. Therefore, advertising and affiliate marketing can earn a lot of money.

There are many things that you can use to bring traffic from a particular country. Using tools like Alexa, you can find out how popular your site is all over the world. With this, you can also see the extent of the popularity in which countries it is getting.

Indian traffic for a Hindi blog is more important than the traffic of another blog. By using many experiments I have learned that the quality of Indian traffic is low and there is a better chance of earning.

These experiments are effective for my blog and the results come as expected. Many people want to target some particular country by making blogging and earning money. This post is about this which will help you to get traffic from the Torget Country (English: Country specific traffic).

You may be thinking about working on buying country-specific traffic for this job. But it works well in the case of e-commerce website, but it is good to stay natural for blogs.

Targeting Country Specific Traffic in India

1. Domain names

.com, .org and. Top-level domains like net gain higher rank in the global search engine but it is a good idea to buy a country-specific regional domain dominating domain for your blog.

You have often seen that the people of US .us, people of Australia .au and the UK can buy a better search rank in their countries by buying domain TLD. In the same way, you can also buy domain TLD for your blog, .in,,, etc.

You can buy other TLDs to keep your personal brand safe. But it would be difficult to rank in other country-specific search engines. So by determining your goal, buy Country Specific Domains according to your target audience.

You can see the list of the TLD present on the website of India.

Website Traffic

2. Geotagging from Google Search Console

If you have bought a Country Specific Domain and added it to the Search Console, you will not get the option of doing Geotagging (English: Geo-Targeting). For this you can get complete information on the official help page.

Google Search Console (English: Google search console) is a free tool for bloggers and webmasters. If you want to get country-specific traffic, then there is no other tool like this. It has the option of geotagging which helps you get country-specific Website Traffic.

For this you need to login to the search console and verify your site. After that you will see Country’s option in the Country tab inside Search Traffic> International Targeting on the dashboard. You can tick the box and set the target users by dropping down.

3. Location of WebHosting Server

Server location is also important for obtaining country-specific traffic by targeting internationally. If you want to make your site populist in India, then host on the Indian server. Keep this in mind when buying a server.

Indian server: Hostgier India, Bluhost India, Bigork India

The Content Delivery Network (CDN) also provides fast content delivery facility to different countries. If the server is in the same country from which you are setting up your traffic, then the server IP (English: Server IP) will ensure that your website loads fast in that country. Search engine bots will also know the location of your server. All these things will help increase your search engine rank in that country.

4. Geotagging from Backlink

Google search used backlinks to know the popularity of content in the beginning. Time changed but backlinks are still important today. Backlinks are more beneficial than the websites of the country in which the site is targeting.

You can get safe backlinks by giving some time in guest postings, comments, community forums etc.

5. Content Level Targeting

The content of your website is most important in the eyes of Google search bots. By crawling it detects which country you are targeting for international. If you are using Generic Domain Names and Extensions (such as .com, .net, .org), then the information in the Meta title and description will need to be edited. From this, the search bots get a clear signal from which country you are targeting the audience.

Apart from this, search rank is determined according to the information given in your content language and article. Reedability (English: Readability) is an SEO factor, if the language of your website has been fixed according to Indian standards, then the possibility of getting Website Traffic from the US will be less. So use the language to get traffic from the togate country. For this, you can hire local writers of that country so that grammar and popular sentences can be used there.

6. Local SEO

You will not be able to apply it for generic blogs. But if you are running a service website or ecommerce website, then Google My Business will be very beneficial for you. Make Google My Business page and get your PIN validation done. After that, your business website will be added to the Local Search. From where you will get good traffic and business.

To make the most of this local sitemap, you can also create pages on other popular social media platforms such as Facebook. The information on which to publish on your website is inserted. This will make your followers easily find new updates and get country-specific Website Traffic on your website.

7. Local Search Engine and Directory

Submit the country in which you are creating the website, in local search engines and directories. This will help you to make local backlinks. This is an important signal of geotagging.

8. Keyword Popularity

The content of the website tells a lot about it, so use those keywords that are more searched in that country. You can use Google Trends for this.
Keyword progress

You have used the keyword in the content but how will you know which keyword in that country is going forward and how far behind it? To get Website Traffic, it is very important to stay on the first page in Google search. For this you use SEMRUSH.


Development, SEO