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Guru is a reputed name in the online freelancing domain. It is a respected global platform for freelancers and employers alike. It boasts of more than 3 million registered users with over 1000K jobs completed already.
Experience: Joining Date: (1st May 2018 till date)
Designation: Content Strategist
CTC: 9.50 Lac p.a.
Job Profile:
· Developing a content strategy for the website, social media presence, email marketing, ad campaigns and print advertorials.
· Developing keywords and search engine marketing strategy with the digital team.
· Creating PPC ad copies and Facebook campaigns with the creative and design team.
· Supervising and directing the content and graphics team
· Managing the content team and daily news reporting.
· Preparing social media content and promotional material for different digital channels.
· Proof-reading SEO-based content including articles, Press Release, social media content.
· Co-leading online marketing campaign for the main company website and seasonal campaigns.
· Drafting press releases, feature articles, newsletters, social media creative content, infographic content, slideshare content, ebook creation etc.
· Developing blog posts and promoting on social media handles.
2. MahaVastu Corporation Limited (
MahaVastu™ is an established Global brand in the domain of Vastu. It is the most powerful and scientific system of Vastu, distilled from about 15,000 successful research-based case studies done by its founder, Vastu Shastri Khushdeep Bansal, foremost Vastu expert and the bestselling author on Vastu Shastra. Through Vastu courses, he has trained and certified over 2000 MahaVastu professionals who are now doing their successful Vastu practice throughout the world.
Experience: Joining Date: (16th May 2016 – Dec 2017)
Designation: Content Manager – Print and Digital
CTC: 6.30 Lac p.a. (appraisal done to 7.56 lac p.a.)
Job Profile:
· Management of the content team and its tasks
· Preparing social media content and promotional material for different digital channels.
· Proof-reading SEO-based content including articles, Press Release, social media content.
· Co-leading online marketing campaign for the main company website and seasonal campaigns, Drafting press releases and feature articles.
· Authored published articles for the company in the leading newspapers – The Hindu, Hindustan Times, The Pioneer, Tribune and more.
· Creating taglines, one-liners, e-mailers, online promotion material, PPC copy, analyzing content requirement on the website or for a promotional campaign. Performing content usability and improvisations.
· Website content development for US, US and domestic website.
· Drafting advertorials, media releases, event banners, client work reports and account management.
3. Phenom Infotech Pvt. Ltd. (
A subsidiary of Nirvana Canada, the progressive web agency and IT service provider offers an array of information technology enabled services (ITES) to its wide clientele based across US, Canada, England and other parts of the globe. It has a dedicated team of web designers, web developers, online marketing specialists, social media evangelists, and online researchers that serve a clientele of over 100 satisfied clients across different industry verticals. It works under the name of Nirvana Canada.
Experience: Joining Date: (July 2011 till date)
Designation: Content Lead
CTC: 5.02 Lac p.a.
Job Profile:
· Management of a 7-member content team
· Preparing social media content and promotional material for online submission
· Proof-reading SEO-based content including articles, Press Release, social media content
· Co-leading online marketing campaigns for North American clients with content inputs, proof reading and preparing the final draft.
· Drafting press releases and feature articles for P1 clientele.
· Creating taglines, one-liners, e-mailers, online promotion material, PPC copy, analyzing content requirement on a website or for a promotional campaign.
· Main websites marketed –,,,,, amongst 100 other websites.
· Managing social media profiles of priority 1 clients, corporate blog management and profile management of North American clients.
4. Aptara Corporation
Taking source content from any format and transforming it for distribution through any medium – from eReaders and smart phones, to tablets, PC’s, Web and print – Aptara enables organizations to achieve operational excellence, and unlock new revenue opportunity in a rapidly evolving digital- and mobile-centric marketplace.
Aptara’s capabilities enable enterprises worldwide to affordably meet their audiences’ growing demands for digital information, when and where they want it, and fall under the diverse categories like eBooks and Apps, Content Production, Publishing Services, eLearning Solutions and Technology Services.
Experience: Joining Date: (18 November 2010 till June 2011)
Designation: Senior Content Writer
CTC: 3.96 Lac
Job Profile:
Managing Media Release for Clients – Press Release Creation, Classifieds, Business Directory Profile Creations, Blog Creation, Newsletter Development
Online branding content creation.
Rewriting transcriptions
Editing content from the team
5. Nirvana Canada: A Canada-based web development and online marketing firm offering diverse web-based services, software development applications, online marketing and other ITES services. It has its operational team in New Delhi, India; operating under the name of Nirvana Infocom Pvt. Ltd. with an international market base in North America and Europe.
Experience: Feb 2009 till November 2010
Designation: Senior Content Writer
CTC: 3.0 Lac p.a.
Job Profile:
Content Team Management and Proof reading internal and external correspondence
Web Content Development
Managing Media Release for Clients – Press Release Creation, Classifieds, Business Directory Profile Creations, Blog Creation, Newsletter Development
Online Branding content creation
6. V-Angelz Pvt. Ltd. (H-23, Sector- 63, Noida): It primarily holds gravity in developing software applications for the e-business domains like finance, telecom, comparison shopping, mobile content etc. It also provides technology platforms for web analytics, CRM, ERP, SCM, affiliate networks, banner ad networks, and web communities, provisioning of MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator) and VoIP telecommunication services.
Experience: March 2008 to October 2008
Designation: Content Writer
CTC: 1.92 lac p.a.
Job Profile:
Providing content for client websites
Developing business promotional services in the form of blogs, articles, online newsletters
Drafting press releases and theme-based newsletter for clients and target audience
Producing product reviews and analytical features for the Press.
Part- time Jobs (During graduation years)
1. Tectura India: With more than 1,800~ team members in 20+ countries, it applies its industry knowledge and best practices philosophy to provide Microsoft Dynamics® ERP, CRM and technology solutions throughout the Americas, EMEA, and Asia Pacific. It is a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner,
Experience: Dec 2006 to feb 2007 (3 months)
Designation: Part-time freelancer
Job Profile:
Preparing sales brochures for their businesses
Preparing offline newsletter for their sales and marketing team
Providing content for their official website
2. It is UK’s leading entertainment portal based in Greater Manchester. Started off as a radio station,, it soon became one of the most popular international website on Bollywood, Hollywood, TV, Glamour and music industry
Experience: October 2006 till Feb 2008
Designation: Freelance writer/ Columnist
Job Profile:
Prime Columnist and reviewer
Section “The Chatterjee Feature” featured successfully online
Writing daily news articles
Providing website content
Writing reviews and analytic features
Interviewing celebrities
Professional Qualification
Worked for one year as a sub-editor for ASTA Publications, Delhi.
Worked as an intern with Gulf News Bureau, Barakhamba Road, CP, New Delhi- 01.
Worked as an intern with Doordarshan Kendra at Khel Gaon and Mandi House in the Production and Editing depts. respectively.
Worked as an intern/ business writer with Zee
Educational qualification
· Currently pursuing Advanced Diploma course in Creative Writing from IGNOU, New Delhi- 68..
· First Division in Mass communication Graduate Diploma from Jagannath Institute of Management Sciences (JIMS), Mathura Road.
· Graduate Degree in ‘Bachelors in Journalism’ from Guru Jambeshwar University (GJU), Hisar.
· Passed with 70% marks (PCMB) in 10+2 from CBSE board from General Raj’s School, Hauz Khas, New Delhi- 16.
· Passed 10th with 84.6% marks from CBSE board from General Raj’s School, Hauz Khas, New Delhi- 16.
SPECIAL skills: Ms Office tools, Internet, CMS.
LINGUISTIC PROFICIENCY: English, Hindi and Bengali.
HOBBIES & INTERESTS: Feature writing, poetry, blogging, reading,
International politics, and showbiz, net
Surfing and communicating with people.